I have, in the past, rightly or wrongly, always considered myself as an honest, faithful church-going "Sunday Catholic" who attend Holy Mass every week and over certain occasions. Baptized at birth, I was taught that it is an obligation for all Catholics to attend Mass and missing this is a minus to one's moral upbringing and disposition as a Christian.
So I attended Holy Mass faithfully every Sundays and other days during my younger days out of obligation and I considered it a normal routine with my family and friends. When I was young, I did not understand the true meaning of the Holy Mass except for the fact that my friends and family are there and it's such a wonderful experience to be in such a Holy place. It was through my parents and religion class at school that I learned about God, Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Christian way of life.
I was fond of reading the bible and books related to the Christian faith, in addition to being constantly reminded on the importance of a regular prayer life and the need to observe the Sunday mass. It wasn't only during Sunday where we held mass and we also have one during Tuesdays. Every time I find the need to spend some time alone with myself and God, I find it a good habit to go to Church and pray.
Little did I realize that God indeed works in mysterious ways. Out of my vigor for life and virtue, He has seen to it in his wisdom to deepen and strengthen my own faith. He has filled my young days of deep and meaningful moments with Him and His Church. And I practiced the Christian way of life everyday and lived according to its practices.
It was then that I began to gradually awaken to the beauty and holiness of our Catholic Faith, to realize how wonderful it is to be Catholic, to discover the true wonders and awesome reality of Christian living, the treasures hidden within Jesus in the Holy Spirit, and the wonderful Sacrament of (Reconciliation) that the Catholic Church possesses. I even found much of it in the Philosophy of life.
But life has its own way of making us forget who we really are and it has never occurred to me to loose Faith for a certain period in my life. It has taken me 9 long years or doubt and spiritual struggle to gain back my faith and it is spiritually rewarding. Those 9 long years were tough and filled with spiritual failures. I thought there was no way of going back. But all that was needed is to look back and regain that free gift which the Lord has always given me.
All the pain and failures I've encountered due to my lack of Faith are now a thing in the past and I am a new person; revived with my Christian roots. Perhaps it was God's way of revealing to me the true value and importance of Faith. I want to share what I have found and discovered with others so that they too will be enriched spiritually as I have.
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