Thursday, June 23, 2011 0 comments

Martial Arts Training in Seclusion with Nature

The development of martial arts and the shaping of one's personality is greatly affected by his environment. As such, many of the origins and symbols of martial arts come from nature. We see different styles of martial arts that imitate the movements of animals.

While it can be argued that martial arts was developed for reasons like man's survival needs, settling conflicts between individuals and groups, or self-defense, martial arts should not be treated as a means of dominating others or nature in general. Instead, it should be treated as man's way of going back to nature and living in harmony with her. To avoid conflict against Nature, man, and other groups, a martial artist should spend some time alone with nature and contemplate on the true nature of things.

Society is filled with social and personal conflicts. Conflicts arise from different reasons like differences in personal interest, the pursuit for power, selfishness, greed, broken relationships, etch. The real goal of martial arts lies in combating the roots of these conflicts and fight for a more lofty and noble view of life. The best way a martial artist can achieve this is by going back to nature, training in seclusion, and discover peace and serenity in the grand order of things. As he becomes more connected to nature, he will be able to realize what his true purpose and ideal is. He will see things in that light of their essence and always for what is right.

Training in seclusion with nature is an impersonal way of living our lives. Compared to nature, man's powers become feeble and trivial. Nature can be gentle one moment and then turn violent in the next. Whatever state nature posses, we find it appropriate to show her respect and reverence. Thus, it teaches one to be humble and appreciate essence when we see, feel, and experience it. Thus, we learn how to appreciate her at her most beautiful, and fear her at her most challenging moods.

As the martial artist continues to train with nature, he continues to nurture and enhance his total experience. This type of training separates man from his material possessions and enable him to opt for the things with infinite value- things that cannot be seen and sensed directly but can be expressed or revealed through his thoughts, feelings, and gestures. It develops his ideals, and sense of compassion, sincerity, modesty, commitment, integrity, and honor.

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