Sunday, June 19, 2011 0 comments

The Value of Meditation

Meditation allows one to:

See a more lofty view of life.
See goodness, value, or meaning in the world; in agreement with the world, or life, or a higher power, or fate.
Live the right way; in view of the world as a miracle.
Develop the attitude of intolerance to one's moral shortcomings.
Believe in mystical truths that may be hard to conceive but are revealed when the inner self is in harmony with nature.
Develop an "accept and endure" attitude through the personal, existential, and spiritual problems- an approach to such problems can be painstaking, thorough, open-eyed and receptive.
Find solution to the problem of life–the solution is the disappearance of the problem during moments of peace and serenity.

When one meditates:
Before martial arts training; to mentally prepare oneself for what's coming.
After martial arts training: to contemplate about things one has learned and things that one needs to learn more about.
In times of confusion; to calm one's mind and determine what one is really looking for or discern parts of oneself which seeks to heal.
One is in tuned with nature; to be in harmony with nature and gain serenity.
One is looking for answers about one's life and self; allows one to listen to one's inner self more attentively.
When one wants to tap into the knowledge and truth about the Universe; knowledge and truth are self-evident either from a higher power and the order of things in the Universe.

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